Sunday 22 June 2014

What i want to say to u.....

from my stats i think my page veivers are from usa i love usa .....its a niceplace for leading a good life ...i love the way of parenting in usa here we donot get enough freedom... but am jealous to the lucky guys born in usa..... i love i love i love usa.......if ur not busy please give me ur suggestions about my page as comments i respect ur plz... help me to be a good blogger

About me...

                                I am new this field honestly i dont know anything about blogging .... its my interest to type that makes me a blogger....thanx to all my page visitors .... i will try my maximum to be a good blogger
i am in kerala i love my family and my friends pretty good of us dont know about blogging and it is now i understood what is blogging???? i want to be good blogger.... nd im posting all the matter from my i think it will help u to lead a good family:)


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Be happy then everything will be fine keep a positive attitude towards life....if ur problem is that u fight with ur mother .... then try to imagine a life without her....THEN U WILL GRADUALLY LOVE YOUR MOTHER  if ur problem is an unadjusting husband....think if he were not with u you will be getting more torture from an another husband that will makes u think that he is better than anyone and u will also start loving him... like this make ur life moments more positive and a very important think is that keep smiling to everyone ....wakeup and look ur face in ur mirror by a cute smile then i assure u ur that day will be good one...

thanx 4 reading my teaps....sorry 4 my grammer mistake nd aswell as all spelling mistakes....:)  ### 

Saturday 21 June 2014


Success in human activity depends on initiative and capacity to make decision. These changes take place frequently and if a businessman suffers from indecision he might miss business opportunities. The businessman should posse's qualities like will power and determination to succeed. He should take advice from every body but act according to his own decision. A businessman must be intelligent and alert. He must be alert to business opportunities. He must be aware of the changes taking place in the conditions of business. 

A businessman should possess the quality of leadership. The success of business depends upon loyalty and cooperation of employees. The cooperation of employees depends on enthusiasm and interest about the work they are doing. Another notable quality of the businessman is business morality, which means honest dealings. Honesty, straight forwardness fair dealings dependability and moral character are also important qualities for success in business. Today business has become so complex and competitive that it is full of danger to start a business without knowing its problems. It is through training and education that the businessman can properly understand the problems of his business and find solutions for them. 
Modern business is subject to fast changes. It requires a businessman to appreciate time. He must always think in terms of time. Businessman must have consistent mind so as to be able to exercise firmness in his dealing with others. A businessman has to deal with many persons everyday and to take important decisions. It is necessary that the businessman must use proper skill and tact to make best use of the business opportunities. 
Adaptation means to adjust oneself according to the circumstances. He must possess sharp memory. A businessman should be courteous. Natural aptitude inspires a person to work hard. Moral character helps a person to earn power and prestige in society. A businessman should be a cheerful. Good health of the businessman creates good impression about him


If you feel like you're not paid what you're worth, you have an army of disgruntled rank-and-file at your back.
Thirty-nine percent of employees say they don't receive fair pay in their current job, according to a new survey from employment site Women are more likely to feel underpaid than men, with 42 percent of female workers saying they're not fairly paid compared with one-third of men.
That women feel shortchanged by their paychecks might not be all that surprising, given that female workers only make about 77 cents for every dollar earned by men.
But across the board, workers are still laboring under the Great Recession's overhang, with many companies still not back up to pre-2008 employment levels, notes Glassdoor career and workplace expert Rusty Rueff. At the same time, employment sites such as Glassdoor, where employees report their salaries and wages, are providing more transparency on earnings, leading to concerns about being underpaid.
"If employers think employees don't have a sense of how they are paid in relationship to their peers, then they are naive," Rueff told CBS MoneyWatch.
The survey results come several days after "Equal Pay Day," marked on April 8, which represents how far into 2014 women need to work to earn what men earned the previous year. President Obama recognized the day by signing an executive order that bars federal contractors for punishing employees who discuss their salaries with each other.
Still, many companies would prefer compensation to remain opaque. After all, the prevailing thought is that transparency hampers a company's ability to negotiate. If an employee doesn't know her cubicle-mate is earning $10,000 more than her, then that's more money going to the company's bottom line.
There may be some reason for managers' fear that transparency could lead to a run-up in wages. After all, take a look at executive compensation. Public companies are required to disclose compensation for chief executives, chief financial officers and other top-level executives. Those companies' boards then compare the pay at their C-level suite with rival businesses to set raises and bonuses.
But few would say this transparency has made executive compensation fairer, at least to the average worker. The CEO-to-worker pay ratio was a whopping 331 last year, up from 46-to-1 in 1983, according to the AFL-CIO.
The pay gap between executives and the average workers is also bothering employees, Glassdoor found. About half of the respondents said they believe the income disparity between top execs and everyone else is getting worse.
Given that workers are still dealing with heavier workloads following the recession, "seeing the fat cats getting more money exacerbates that feeling" of being underpaid, Rueff said. "It wasn't that long ago when you sat down and people talked about a pay increase of 6 to 7 percent. It's been a long time since people saw that type of increase."
Employees said they're open to other ways of receiving compensation, if salary hikes aren't in the cards. About six out of 10 said they'd be satisfied with more paid vacation days (which is ironic, given that Americans take only about half their vacation time), while about half wanted more career opportunities and flexible work hours.
The upshot, Rueff notes, is that clearer communication between employers and workers about how their compensation is structured and how employees can earn more would help increase on-the-job satisfaction. "It's about getting your employer to sit down with you, and tell you this is where you stand in relation to everyone else," he noted.
Take a look at Buffer, a social-sharing app and site. The company, which vows "radical transparency," published every employee's salary on its blog last year. The CEO, its top-paid worker, makes $158,000, while lower-level employees earned from $70,000 and up. Some workers earned extra for working in high-cost cities.
In the month following its blog post, Buffer received almost 2,900 job applications, more than double the 1,263 from the month prior, according to Quartz. Its CEO told the publication: "It kind of feels like this is somewhat of a movement bubbling up here. That's kind of surprising.


Salary negotiation” is one of those things that many of us shy away from discussing. Especiallywomen, who have been taught not to ask—we always have been taught to be self-sacrificing, not self-serving.

Some of us do ask, but stop short of asking for what we really want or what we are truly worth. But whatever your reason is, fact of the matter is, by not negotiating, you are simply jeopardizing your chances of getting more than just money; more so you are putting your long-term opportunities and earning potential at stake. Here are some pointers to give you a strong leg up when you feel hesitant to ask for what you deserve:-

1) Do your ‘Negotiation’ Homework: - This is one of the first things that nearly every employer will ask -what salary range you are looking for? Try to make preparations beforehand, because if you are caught off-guard, you risk low-balling yourself or might just say something that will harm you later in negotiations. Do your bit of homework well in advance so that you are ready with an apt answer. There are several sites which offer salary calculator options, and you can easily find out your market worth.

2) Don’t falsify your past salary: - Planning to fake your current package in the hope it will help in getting a higher offer from the potential employer? Shun away from the idea before it backfires. Employers these days, verify employee salary history, either by asking to see a recent pay stub or by checking with the previous employer directly. And even worse, after you have already accepted a job offer, you risk having the offer pulled over the lie, even after you have already accepted it and resigned your previous job.

3) Letting the employer base the offer on your past salary history:- Decline discussing details of your previous pay package. Your salary history is no one's business and employers are perfectly capable of figuring out what your work would be worth to them, without needing to know what you have been paid previously. Try pointing out that you worked for a lower salary previously because you wanted to learn new skills and build on an enriching experience and money was not that important for you at that point of time. Instead, keep the focus on what you want to earn now and why you think you're worth that.

4) Stop thinking that negotiation would make the employer pull the offer entirely: - As long as you are professional and pleasant and not being adversarial in your manner, a reasonable employer would never pull back an offer just because you are trying to negotiate. Employers value proficient candidates and if you are one, then you don’t have to worry about such a situation. If something like that does happen, it is a rare occurrence and the sign of a dysfunctional employer. And thank god that you are typically better off not working with them!

5) Quoting a wide salary range only to get the lowest end of it in the offer:- Ok so most candidates are fooled by employers when they are asked about the salary range they are looking for. Now if you quote a wide range like “Rs. 5,00,000- Rs. 6,00,000/annum”, don’t be surprised if you are offered Rs. 5,00,000 because that is what has been quoted by you to the employer. Instead, choose your range carefully, realizing that the employer may only focus on the lower end of it. The same could happen with candidates who only focus on the high end of a range given by an employer and then are disappointed when they are offered the lower end of it.


 Having evidence of training and a formal qualification, such as the BCS certificates will increase your chances of successfully becoming a business analyst. Employers will value an individual's commitment to training and qualifications so having these on your CV will help. It is also important that you fully understand the role that you are applying for, can evidence that you have the skills to perform that role and can answer relevant questions in an interview situation. You can start to address these items by attending one of our 'starter' courses.

Your chances of successfully getting a job as a BA will also depend on your salary expectations and the industry and geographical location in which you want to work. It will also depend on the current opportunities available which meet your criteria. To get an understanding of this you will need to look at the local press, visit your local job office or try some recruitment websites. Many websites now allow you to put in your job criteria, so you can see opportunities that match what you are looking for, or check if your expectations are realistic.

                                    welcome to my blog      

                              I am  from kerla and i am alone in my home so this make me the intension to start a new blog ......................... thanx to alll .................... for visiting my blog

How to Choose the Right Business Entity

Choosing the right business entity allows an entrepreneur to reduce liability exposure, minimize taxes, and ensure that the business can be financed and run efficiently. It also provides business owners with a mechanism for ensuring that the business operations will continue, rather than being automatically terminated, upon the death of an owner. Formalizing the business also clarifies the ownership of all participants in the venture.
When choosing a business entity, you should consider: (1) the degree to which your personal assets are at risk from liabilities arising from your business; (2) how to best pursue tax advantages and avoid multiple layers of taxation; (3) the ability to attract potential investors; (4) the ability to offer ownership interests to key employees; and (5) the costs of operating and maintaining the business entity.
Despite the implication in this article's title, you should not approach this subject with the idea that there is only one entity type that's right for your business. The choice you make will inevitably involve weighing the advantages and the disadvantages of several factors that apply to your particular business. You should also keep in mind that there will inevitably be various changes in the nature of your business over time, and these changes may make it more advantageous either to change your entity type or its tax classification. With that in mind, let's take a look at the main entity types that are available.
The availability of a particular entity type initially depends on the number of owners. A single owner may operate as a sole proprietor, a corporation, or a limited liability company. If there are two or more owners of the business, by definition it cannot be a sole proprietorship, but it can be a corporation, limited liability company, general partnership, limited partnership, or, in certain situations, a limited liability partnership.
We'll first review the entity choices available for a single business owner.